Have you ever experienced a Himalayan Salt Cave? As a gift, one of my dear friends provided my husband, Paul, and I with gift certificates to Serenity Salt Cave in Nashville, TN. This experience was incredibly therapeutic and I experienced deep and rejuvenating rest during this hour of self-love.
What are Salt Caves?
Also known as halotherapy, salt cave therapy has been around for nearly two centuries. Starting in the early 1800s, Polish and Eastern European salt miners were sent into natural salt caves to gather salt. As they were doing this, the heavy concentration of salt particles in the air got redistributed on their skin and into their lungs – which, it turned out, was good for them. Unlike other miners of the time, surrounded by dirty fossil fuels and breathing in harsh particulates like coal, salt miners seemed to thrive in and because of their working conditions. These salt miners often boasted bright, young looking skin and strong, resilient lungs. This phenomenon fascinated physicians to the point that they started to research the effects of salt on the human body more and more. Eventually, their studies indicated that salt could in fact have a positive influence on everything from skin health to organ function, and this information in turn eventually gave rise to the commercialization of salt caves, salt cave therapy, and the idea that salt could be harnessed in this new fashion as an alternative way to improve physical and mental wellness. [1]
What are the Benefits?
The salt caves at are designed to enhance relaxation while getting the benefits of a wellness environment. Throughout the cave rooms the floor and walls are covered with Himalayan salt and a halo generator is used to break down salt into fine particles which is pumped into the air. Himalayan salt is touted as the most pollutant free salt on earth and contains over 84 minerals and trace elements. Clinical studies have shown that inhaling this type of salt can help promote respiratory and vascular health. [2]
The primary benefits of a salt cave experience includes [3]:
Respiratory Aid: Inhaling dry salt particles bolsters the respiratory system by helping to remove bacteria, mucus, and inflammatory properties. As a result, salt room therapy has been used to treat many respiratory conditions such as: allergies, asthma, bronchitis, COPD, cystic fibrosis, sinusitis, and smoker’s cough.
Oxygen Intake: Individuals may experience higher oxygen intake. This not only improves the immune system, but also increases one’s energy levels.
Skin Health: Salt room therapy particles are able to reach beneath the surface of the skin, improve its moisture barrier, and clear out unwanted bacteria and foreign elements.
Immune System Support: When inhaled, all the micro particles of dry salt absorb and attack foreign substances within the body. This enables the body to rid itself of bad particles. In this way, regular salt cave therapy sessions with halo-generators and/or other salt-emitting units can strengthen our bodies immune systems.
Stress Reduction: When negative ions (from the halo-generator) reach our bloodstream, they are believed to neutralize free radicals and produce biochemical reactions that increase levels of the mood chemical serotonin. This is helpful in alleviating depression, relieving stress, and boosting our daytime energy.
Always remember to make your self-care a priority within your schedule and in how you structure your life. We are human beings, not robots - let every moment of our lives affirm our humanity and generate peace. Key Words: Serenity Salt Cave, Nashville, TN, Rejuvenating Rest, Himalayan Salt, Halotherapy, Physical and Mental Wellness, Respiratory and Vascular Health, Stress Reduction, and Self-Care.